Monday, September 19, 2011

19 September 2011

Mwasera sei!
Hey everyone!! So this week has been pretty intense. My old companion, Elder Bonds, went home Sunday night at 5:30pm and his plane left at 12pm (Local times). Won't lie, best transfer I've ever had. We had perfect transitioning and we are very good friends and I am very sad to see him go. My new companion is Elder Marotya (sounds like Mah hoe cha). He's pretty cool. He's from South Africa.
  The week itself was great. We did a lot of finding and were able to find many new friends for us to teach. It was very exciting.  Over all it was a quieter week. However, we did have an AMAZING baptism. We baptized an older lady (70's-80's) who couldn't walk well but comes to church every Sunday and she has the greatest amount of faith I've EVER seen on mission. She's so powerful. Everything is holding her back yet she pushes forward. I hope I'm like that when I get older.

But outside of that nothing new. People still call me John Cena and the Zone split. I'm now in the Harare East Zone. Pretty cool in my eyes. ButI hope you all are doing well and I love you all very much. Please stay strong in the church. Nothing else is worth it. Trust me. The Atonement is real and Jesus is the Christ. I know he is alive and I witness that he is alive. I know God lives as I know I live and God's plan is what we need. He does not need us. We are nothing. You are nothing. I am nothing. And for the first time in my life I'm ok with that. I truely do love and may God bless you all.
Elder Robert Hales

Monday, September 12, 2011

12 September 2011

Mr Clean?

Safety first?

I know the scriptures are true.

Always take time to smell the flowers.


This looks questionable to me. Hopefully this is not lunch.



No more complaining about the Temple bus

John Cena
Hey everyone!!!!

So I know you're all ready to kill me. I didn't send you a weekly letter (that you don't read anyways). The reason is I have a calling in my Zone. I'm the activity coordinator. I make all the activity plans and the logistics for them so last week we went paint balling (I went in my army jacket and jeans like a man. no overalls for me!!) and so I was the one who was running around and making sure we all had a way to get there and we were all ready to go. Sorry about that.

So now on to this week. This week has been interesting. Well, the past two weeks. We've been changing the kids views of us (2 white guys in Tafara). Recently I've been acting like John Cena (WWE, picture attached). But I have to say it's worked WONDERS. Even the older moms are calling me John Cena. But it's been helping us in image. Everyone gets excited to come to church and many of the kids are asking members who we are and how do the get to walk around with John Cena. It's pretty cool and I hope that over time they'll ask to be taught.

So anyways, This week we had a missionary activity where we got a TON of referrals so we're very excited to be able to go and see who is ready and who is not ready to receive the gospel. But time will tell!!!!

And so lastly this is now week 6. Soon we'll find out who's coming and who's going. But this is also my last week with Elder Bonds. Next week Monday he goes back home to Cali. Ladies leave him alone he has Kim. Haha.

I  hope everything  is going well and I love you all very much!

God Bless,
Elder Robert Hales