Monday, August 29, 2011

29 August 2011

Hey everyone!!!!

So this week has been great!!! We had 2 baptisms on Friday.  This week, like I said was great. We have geeked out and spiritual'd out. We spiritual'd out by doing some CRAZY studies on Jesus Christ personal ministry (using Jesus the Christ) and on other Gospel topics and less gospel topics (like "What if Mitt Romeny was the US President?") We've been having some great lessons as well.

We've been trying hard to focus on the heart of our investigators instead of the mind. We've tried to really help our friends to understand why the gospel is so important to them, how they can apply it, and know when they are feeling the spirit. It's been working really well and I hope that this will help increase our baptisms. But the Lord is truly helping us in the work.

  Sometimes we meet the weirdest people. One man said to us "I have a very important question for you..... How are you?" Very funny. I love Zimbabwe. But I don't have much time today. Sorry. I just want you to know that I love you all and I hope you can feel the Saviors love in all your lives, no matter how dark life seems to be.

God Bless,
Elder Robert Hales

23 August 2011

Clean water!!

Our "clean " water that comes into our house.

Pumping water

Ferocious farming

Ready for a zombie apocalypse.


After the is drained. Yum!

Hey everyone!!!!

This week has been crazy!! As most of you know I have reached my year mark. Not that big of a deal, but it happened.

This week we also moved out of our old house and into a new one in our area!! Very exciting!!!! The house we moved into was an interesting experience. When we moved in we didn't have ANYTHING. By the end of the day we had 2 beds. NO blankets and we were lucky to have brought pillows. We had no stove, no water, no anything. And we had to stay in the house all that day and the next. This week we were mainly in the house untill we were able to find ward missionaries to come work with us.
  The Lord blessed our little time with many lessons and new investigators.  All is well. Now we have a stove, a fridge, blankets, and a place to put our clothes!! Very exciting!!!

Also this week we had Mormon helping Hands. It was sooo cool!! The pictures I'm sending are from the service where we dug garbage pits and cleaned this baby clinic. It was soo cool. But other then that we had Zone Conference. SOOO amazing!!! It was my companions last one. Kind of weird to see him give his final testimony. But he's a really cool guy.

Now for those of you who know me, I am a geek. And my companion is a HUGE geek as well. We talk about zombies, star wars, D&D (Dungeons and Dragons for you normal people), and video games alot. It's been pretty cool. We realized that Zimbabwe or South Africa would be an amazing place to be during the zombie apocalypse. We realized that the high walls, big yards, and access to guns would make this an ideal area. But don't worry. We've also been discussing about Book of Mormon theories like where the Book of Mormon took place and also how we can help best show investigators to know that this is the true church on the earth once more. It's pretty sweet. Sorry this email is short. I have to thank all of you for writing me on my year mark. Means a lot to me and i can't wait to hear from you next week!! Hope all is well with you all!!

God bless,
Elder hales

Monday, August 15, 2011

Taking Matters into his own hands

So Robert has a blog that he maintains now that he has access. I'll still blog here when he sends stuff, but go here  to get your Robert fix for now!!!